Newsletters & Press Releases

    • VINEYARD Newsletter nº 4 - January 2019

      The 4rd and final issue of VINEYARD's Newsletter describes the main results and achievements of the project, namely the Accel-Store website, the VINETALK framework and the BrainFrame for brain stimulation. Finally, it communicates the final workshop of the proeject that took place at HiPEAC 2019, in Valencia, Spain.

    • VINEYARD Newsletter nº3 - April 2018

      The 3rd issue of VINEYARD's Newsletter includes an article about the latest achievements of the project, namely the release of VINETALK framework, which efficiently addresses main issues caused by the use of accelerators in datacenters; the integration of VINEYARD in the Heterogeneity Alliance, among other interesting articles.

    • VINEYARD Newletter nº2 - May 2017

      The 2nd issue of VINEYARD's Newsletter includes an article about the project’s main achievements during the first year, the brainframe web-based framework for acceleration of neurocomputing applications, the VINEYARD GITHUB on SPARK acceleration in the PYNQ device and many more.

    • VINEYARD Newsletter nº1 - September 2016

      The 1st issue of VINEYARD´s Newsletter includes an article about the screening of application-side requirements, from which future activities will be based, and the analysis of accelerating SPARK applications using Maxeler Dataflow engines. Further to this, the Newsletter also includes relevant news and events related to the project.

    • VINEYARD in the HiPEAC Newsletter info 45, January 2016

      The VINEYARD project was presented in the HIPEAC Newsletter issue 45 (January 2016). The article can be found in page 16. 

    • VINEYARD in the HiPEAC Newsletter info 49, January 2017

      The VINEYARD project was presented in the HIPEAC Newsletter issue 49 (January 2017). The article can be found in page 25.
